It had been at least a week since the ninjas had taken over the school, and we were doing our best to find the one person that I knew would be able to help us out, one whose mind was even greater than my own, and that right there was saying something. Corinne was the one person out of the entire school that had a natural mind, a mind that had an IQ that was as great if not greater than my own but was completely natural, nothing enhanced like mine had been.
"I can't find her literally anywhere, I mean we're talking from the day we got out of school till now, there's not a trace of her, and no one actually said anything, not even her parents. For her parents it was like they never even had a daughter at all, and no one even thought to ask about her for the past seven years now except for you. Could it have been the same thing that happened to you happen to her?" Amy asked as she hefted her note pad.
I thought about it, but realized that it could be highly unlikely given that the one that targeted me had come from a different dimension and I pointed that out to her. "Plus considering the likely hood that it could've been someone from any of the world's that I had visited the first time around, that's about a thousand to one that it could be any of them considering that I never mentioned nor thought about her the entire time that I had been gone. No whatever or whomever did this; I'm thinking that Corinne was targeted; however this does give me the chance to actually use something that I came up with on the other world that I'd been dying to use for the longest time. I did bring it over, but I never actually figured that I get the chance to ever use it at all. I'm going to go get it, meet me over at the high school entrance, not the Shell entrance, but the clock tower entrance." I told them.
About twenty minutes later I met them over at the school and had a little something with me that wasn't actually little. The device was a temporal reader that could read any point in time at the space that it was being shown. However it couldn't take you back physically, it could only project what really happened back at whatever time that you set. And the reader as about the size of a fire extinguisher and almost weighed about the same too.
I took the sensor node and pointed it towards the area of the entrance to the school and activated the device. I had the date set to June 14th 1997, day after we had graduated from high school, that morning to be exact. A beam shot out from the main unit and spread wide covering the entire section that I was reading, it gave an overlay in color showing everything that took place, no matter what it was, and we actually didn't have to wait long at all.
Shortly after everything started up, an image of Corrine came out from behind one of the pillars and walked towards them. I still couldn't believe that this was the same person that I'd pinned over for years. The golden curly hair, the way that she had attitude in her walk that said that if you didn't like what she said, then you could kiss her ass. It was the one thing that I had always loved about her, but could never say. However I knew that once I found her, I'd get his chance, depending on how things were with her in the first place.
I kept the sensor trained on her image and moved the projection around to make sure that everything stayed the way that it was supposed to in the first place. We saw that she had stopped and had been standing next to the curb waiting for her parents or her ride to go where ever the future might take her. However what had arrived instead was the one thing that I noticed that even she was surprised about. A van had pulled up to the curb with Corinne slowly backing off, and before she could really do anything, the side opened up and several men, all armed, jumped out and grabbed her. It was at that point that the van drove off and headed back towards the main street that it was going in the first place.
I knew that I had to follow and find out where in the world she was taken, but at the same time, I wanted to know what they had done in order to wipe Corinne out from everyone's mind, that's what didn't sit well with me at all. I mean it had been one thing to use a satellite in order to make everyone hate the hell out of me, but it was something else altogether too completely wipe someone from literally everyone's memory. I mean who in the world Corinne had pissed off in order to cause this in the first place.
Getting the guilder I flew up with the temporal projector and both Amy and Alexis followed suit. "These guys either are working for someone or they're doing this on their own, either way, they did something that completely wiped out Corinne from everyone's mind with the exception of the three of us. However the one thing that I still don't get is that I left this world and I can understand how I wasn't effected, Alexis you're not even from this world so you don't count at all, and Amy you've never left this world so how in the world were you not effected. It's almost like the emotional satellite all over again, only this time it's wiping someone from the minds of literally everyone on the planet. I can't even begin to understand how in the world that happened, let alone anyone that Corinne might've pissed off in the first place in order for this to happen at the start." I told them.
"That's actually two things now that I haven't been effected by, and even I'm wondering what in the world I'm so special that I'm not affected by it all." Amy wondered.
"Good question, on my world, everyone had a natural immunity to something like this, so no one even tried. I mean it had been tried once in our history on a global scale, but literally no one was touched by it at all, so it was given up on. I don't know why or who would want to do this and to one person too, it doesn't make sense. Unless of course whatever Corinne did, have yet to happen and they actually came back to make sure that she was taken out of the picture beforehand." Alexis stated.
Now that thought right there actually scared me in thinking about it, after all no one on this world had any clue about time travel other than in science fiction, and the only one that did have anything that actually worked was myself. However everything that I had was from a different world, considering the tech that was needed in order to be able to pull of time travel didn't exist on this world.
Traveling over the majority of the county, I noticed that we were leaving the cities and homes behind to go out into the middle of nowhere. The image projection came to what looked like a seldom used road, and yet in current time, the road now seemed to be very well used. I followed the projection to what looked like a shed and saw that they had put her into it, I sped up time on the projection and noticed that they what looked like a shed and saw that thekept coming back to make sure that she was alright, but at the same time after all these years wouldn't let her go either, it was like they wanted to make sure that they kept her away from anyone.aer all these years wouldn'
Landing next to the shed, I got off the glider and took readings through the scanner on my H.U.D., there was still a pulse, a faint one but it was still there. "She's alive, but just barley, I really don't know how in the world she could survive after all these years, but she's done it. I mean aside of them only slightly feeding her to keep her alive, sthe scanner on my H.U.D., there was still a pulse, a faurprisingly, she's kicking ass after all this time." I told Amy and Alexis. The only thing that I didn't know was how Corinne was going to handle all of this after all the time that she had been in there.
Now considering that there was nothing for miles around, I knew that not only was there no sound insulation, but at the same time, no one could hear her either. "I know that you're not going to be expecting this Corinne, but I'm someone that you used to know, and in all honesty hate the day lights out of too." I said loudly to the door. I heard nothing, I figured that for all I knew, that this was something that they used in order to be able to show her a false sense of hope. This only told me one thing; she was sitting at the back of the shed.
I looked at the door and the lock that was being used to keep her in there and saw that it was a short chain and lock, and the lock looked like it was fresh and new. For me it didn't matter since new or old, I could still crush the damned thing. I took a grip on the lock and squeezed hard, and the lock became a twisted mass of metal in my hand. I let go and the entire thing fell right to the ground in several pieces. I took hold of the handle of the door and slowly opened it up; I knew that the light was going to be harsh for her, so I wanted to make sure that it didn't hurt that much to her.
going to be harsh for her, so I wanted to make sure that it didnt lowwly nd. I let go and the entire tWhen the door was open, we got our first look at Corinne and what we saw just about…no it was inhumane. Not only had they only just kept her fed, but at the same time, that was the only thing that they did. Corinne was lying down on the only bed that she had in there, and her clothes were nearly coming off of her and was just about covered in dirt to the point that you couldn't see actual skin under, plus the stench that came out of there was one where you could tell that she had been living in her own bile for years and nothing had been done.
Alexis was the first one to run in and take something out of her belt and cover Corinne's eyes to protect from the light that was now coming in and wouldn't stop coming in either. "We've got to get her back to the house." She stated.
I knew that Alexis wanted to get her cleaned up and out of everything that had happened, and so did I, but there was something that I needed to do beforehand. "Hold up." I said. I switched the H.U.D. over to x-ray and scanned her entire body. I saw something in her, actually several something's, and knew what they were. " "actually several somethings, and knew what they everything that had happened, and so did I, but there was something tStep outside and bring Amy around the side, then fully deactivate your suits." I told her. "Don't ask any questions, just do it, and make sure to let me know when it's been done.estions, just do it, and make sure to let me know when it' suits."" I told her.
Since I had been keeping my eyes on Corinne, I only heard them shuffle off, a minute later they let me know that they had shut their suits down. Corinne had something inside her that wasn't supposed to be there and when I had checked I had noticed that it was a tracking unit of sorts. Once I had gotten the tracking device that had been planted inside of her disabled, I let both Amy and Alexis know that it was safe to put their suits back on.
"What the hell was that for anyway?" Amy asked after she was back in her suit and had come back around.
I crouched down in front of Corinne and took her face in my hand and looked her right in the eyes, what I saw there I seriously didn't ever want to see again. "Corinne here had a tracking device imbedded inside of her; I flashed her and the area around us with an EMP blast, that's why I had you shut your suits down in the first place." I told them.
"Ah, I hate to say this, but we've got company, and I don't think this is going to be of the good kind either." Alexis stated.
I ducked out the door and looked towards the way we came and saw what she was talking about. There was a black SUV heading right towards us, and it was covered in men. "You know I honestly didn't think that nestly didn' right towards us, and it was covered in men. "e was talking about. THere was legal on any world." I stated as we watched them coming towards us. This wasn't going to be good either way. s, what I saw there I seriously supposed to be there and when I had checked I had noticed that it was a tracking unit of sorts. Once I had gotten the trackingly heard them shuffle off, a minute later they let me know that they had taken
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