Friday, December 20, 2013

Ninja Chronicles: The Return: Girl Lost Part 1

It had been at least a week since the ninjas had taken over the school, and we were doing our best to find the one person that I knew would be able to help us out, one whose mind was even greater than my own, and that right there was saying something. Corinne was the one person out of the entire school that had a natural mind, a mind that had an IQ that was as great if not greater than my own but was completely natural, nothing enhanced like mine had been.

"I can't find her literally anywhere, I mean we're talking from the day we got out of school till now, there's not a trace of her, and no one actually said anything, not even her parents. For her parents it was like they never even had a daughter at all, and no one even thought to ask about her for the past seven years now except for you. Could it have been the same thing that happened to you happen to her?" Amy asked as she hefted her note pad.

I thought about it, but realized that it could be highly unlikely given that the one that targeted me had come from a different dimension and I pointed that out to her. "Plus considering the likely hood that it could've been someone from any of the world's that I had visited the first time around, that's about a thousand to one that it could be any of them considering that I never mentioned nor thought about her the entire time that I had been gone. No whatever or whomever did this; I'm thinking that Corinne was targeted; however this does give me the chance to actually use something that I came up with on the other world that I'd been dying to use for the longest time. I did bring it over, but I never actually figured that I get the chance to ever use it at all. I'm going to go get it, meet me over at the high school entrance, not the Shell entrance, but the clock tower entrance." I told them.

About twenty minutes later I met them over at the school and had a little something with me that wasn't actually little. The device was a temporal reader that could read any point in time at the space that it was being shown. However it couldn't take you back physically, it could only project what really happened back at whatever time that you set. And the reader as about the size of a fire extinguisher and almost weighed about the same too.

I took the sensor node and pointed it towards the area of the entrance to the school and activated the device. I had the date set to June 14th 1997, day after we had graduated from high school, that morning to be exact. A beam shot out from the main unit and spread wide covering the entire section that I was reading, it gave an overlay in color showing everything that took place, no matter what it was, and we actually didn't have to wait long at all.

Shortly after everything started up, an image of Corrine came out from behind one of the pillars and walked towards them. I still couldn't believe that this was the same person that I'd pinned over for years. The golden curly hair, the way that she had attitude in her walk that said that if you didn't like what she said, then you could kiss her ass. It was the one thing that I had always loved about her, but could never say. However I knew that once I found her, I'd get his chance, depending on how things were with her in the first place.

I kept the sensor trained on her image and moved the projection around to make sure that everything stayed the way that it was supposed to in the first place. We saw that she had stopped and had been standing next to the curb waiting for her parents or her ride to go where ever the future might take her. However what had arrived instead was the one thing that I noticed that even she was surprised about. A van had pulled up to the curb with Corinne slowly backing off, and before she could really do anything, the side opened up and several men, all armed, jumped out and grabbed her. It was at that point that the van drove off and headed back towards the main street that it was going in the first place.

I knew that I had to follow and find out where in the world she was taken, but at the same time, I wanted to know what they had done in order to wipe Corinne out from everyone's mind, that's what didn't sit well with me at all. I mean it had been one thing to use a satellite in order to make everyone hate the hell out of me, but it was something else altogether too completely wipe someone from literally everyone's memory. I mean who in the world Corinne had pissed off in order to cause this in the first place.

Getting the guilder I flew up with the temporal projector and both Amy and Alexis followed suit. "These guys either are working for someone or they're doing this on their own, either way, they did something that completely wiped out Corinne from everyone's mind with the exception of the three of us. However the one thing that I still don't get is that I left this world and I can understand how I wasn't effected, Alexis you're not even from this world so you don't count at all, and Amy you've never left this world so how in the world were you not effected. It's almost like the emotional satellite all over again, only this time it's wiping someone from the minds of literally everyone on the planet. I can't even begin to understand how in the world that happened, let alone anyone that Corinne might've pissed off in the first place in order for this to happen at the start." I told them.

"That's actually two things now that I haven't been effected by, and even I'm wondering what in the world I'm so special that I'm not affected by it all." Amy wondered.

"Good question, on my world, everyone had a natural immunity to something like this, so no one even tried. I mean it had been tried once in our history on a global scale, but literally no one was touched by it at all, so it was given up on. I don't know why or who would want to do this and to one person too, it doesn't make sense. Unless of course whatever Corinne did, have yet to happen and they actually came back to make sure that she was taken out of the picture beforehand." Alexis stated.

Now that thought right there actually scared me in thinking about it, after all no one on this world had any clue about time travel other than in science fiction, and the only one that did have anything that actually worked was myself. However everything that I had was from a different world, considering the tech that was needed in order to be able to pull of time travel didn't exist on this world.

Traveling over the majority of the county, I noticed that we were leaving the cities and homes behind to go out into the middle of nowhere. The image projection came to what looked like a seldom used road, and yet in current time, the road now seemed to be very well used. I followed the projection to what looked like a shed and saw that they had put her into it, I sped up time on the projection and noticed that they what looked like a shed and saw that thekept coming back to make sure that she was alright, but at the same time after all these years wouldn't let her go either, it was like they wanted to make sure that they kept her away from anyone.aer all these years wouldn'

Landing next to the shed, I got off the glider and took readings through the scanner on my H.U.D., there was still a pulse, a faint one but it was still there. "She's alive, but just barley, I really don't know how in the world she could survive after all these years, but she's done it. I mean aside of them only slightly feeding her to keep her alive, sthe scanner on my H.U.D., there was still a pulse, a faurprisingly, she's kicking ass after all this time." I told Amy and Alexis. The only thing that I didn't know was how Corinne was going to handle all of this after all the time that she had been in there.

Now considering that there was nothing for miles around, I knew that not only was there no sound insulation, but at the same time, no one could hear her either. "I know that you're not going to be expecting this Corinne, but I'm someone that you used to know, and in all honesty hate the day lights out of too." I said loudly to the door. I heard nothing, I figured that for all I knew, that this was something that they used in order to be able to show her a false sense of hope. This only told me one thing; she was sitting at the back of the shed.

I looked at the door and the lock that was being used to keep her in there and saw that it was a short chain and lock, and the lock looked like it was fresh and new. For me it didn't matter since new or old, I could still crush the damned thing. I took a grip on the lock and squeezed hard, and the lock became a twisted mass of metal in my hand. I let go and the entire thing fell right to the ground in several pieces. I took hold of the handle of the door and slowly opened it up; I knew that the light was going to be harsh for her, so I wanted to make sure that it didn't hurt that much to her.

 going to be harsh for her, so I wanted to make sure that it didnt lowwly nd. I let go and the entire tWhen the door was open, we got our first look at Corinne and what we saw just about…no it was inhumane. Not only had they only just kept her fed, but at the same time, that was the only thing that they did. Corinne was lying down on the only bed that she had in there, and her clothes were nearly coming off of her and was just about covered in dirt to the point that you couldn't see actual skin under, plus the stench that came out of there was one where you could tell that she had been living in her own bile for years and nothing had been done.

Alexis was the first one to run in and take something out of her belt and cover Corinne's eyes to protect from the light that was now coming in and wouldn't stop coming in either. "We've got to get her back to the house." She stated.

I knew that Alexis wanted to get her cleaned up and out of everything that had happened, and so did I, but there was something that I needed to do beforehand. "Hold up." I said. I switched the H.U.D. over to x-ray and scanned her entire body. I saw something in her, actually several something's, and knew what they were. " "actually several somethings, and knew what they  everything that had happened, and so did I, but there was something tStep outside and bring Amy around the side, then fully deactivate your suits." I told her. "Don't ask any questions, just do it, and make sure to let me know when it's been done.estions, just do it, and make sure to let me know when it' suits."" I told her.

Since I had been keeping my eyes on Corinne, I only heard them shuffle off, a minute later they let me know that they had shut their suits down. Corinne had something inside her that wasn't supposed to be there and when I had checked I had noticed that it was a tracking unit of sorts. Once I had gotten the tracking device that had been planted inside of her disabled, I let both Amy and Alexis know that it was safe to put their suits back on.

"What the hell was that for anyway?" Amy asked after she was back in her suit and had come back around.

I crouched down in front of Corinne and took her face in my hand and looked her right in the eyes, what I saw there I seriously didn't ever want to see again. "Corinne here had a tracking device imbedded inside of her; I flashed her and the area around us with an EMP blast, that's why I had you shut your suits down in the first place." I told them.

"Ah, I hate to say this, but we've got company, and I don't think this is going to be of the good kind either." Alexis stated.

I ducked out the door and looked towards the way we came and saw what she was talking about. There was a black SUV heading right towards us, and it was covered in men. "You know I honestly didn't think that nestly didn' right towards us, and it was covered in men. "e was talking about. THere was legal on any world." I stated as we watched them coming towards us. This wasn't going to be good either way. s, what I saw there I seriously  supposed to be there and when I had checked I had noticed that it was a tracking unit of sorts. Once I had gotten the trackingly heard them shuffle off, a minute later they let me know that they had taken

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Ninja Chronicles: The Return: School Under Siege Part 3

(Writer's Note: The Aaron that's named in the story is dedicated to Aaron Hern of the Hern Family, they actually have zero idea that I've actually written this story up in the first place, however since I had started writing this story back before the Boston Bombing had taken place, I didn't know that it would actually go in this direction at all. The school that was originally used wasn't the Martinez Junior High School, but actually Alhambra High School, however when the entire thing took place I decided to change the school. Now I don't know if I spelled the young man's name correct or anything, but I figured that I would mention that yes this story is dedicated to him and his family. Please enjoy)
I seriously couldn't believe what I had gotten myself into with this, here I was fighting someone that I seriously had no chance of beating, and yet I honestly thought that not only could I take him on, but that I could defeat him and rid the city of this guy once and for all, hell kick him out of the country. Thing was, it wasn't him that I was fighting; yeah I know that he was the one giving me the pounding at the moment, but in truth it was his master that I was fighting. I was just doing it through him.

So as I lay there on the floor, I kept wondering to myself, why was I here, I could seriously be any place else in the world and yet I was right there. Thing was I knew, I just knew that if I didn't stop them no one would. So as the foot came again for my rib cage, I realized that I had to come up with some way of being able to defeat this guy. Thinking back though, I should've realized what I was getting myself into.

30 minutes earlier…

Now that I knew who was really in charge, it was now just a matter of dealing with it; however the one thing that I knew I couldn't do was just barge right in with guns blazing. Nope tried that before on a different world and believe me, it didn't work out to well, which means that I needed to try a different tack in order to make sure that nothing went wrong.

After doing some research on the marking that I had seen on the uniform that the head person wore, I realized that this group not only wasn't from this town, they weren't even from this country, plus one of the other main problems that I had was that these guys were all under a mind control, the likes of which I had never seen before on this world or any other world that I had ever been to. Which meant that this was going to be a first, though how to approach the situation, which became the sole main topic of my mind, and that wasn't something that I happened to like too much to say the least.

I gathered everyone around, my team, the local police and the ones from Homeland Security as well. "The packets that I'm handing you contain the information that I was able to gather when it comes to our ninja like friends in there. Now the leader that I saw is only one of several, but they're all connected up through a hive like mind set, which means that the one that has control in there, that person can literally see the entire campus of this school all at once, and that includes whenever we happen to make a move. Which means that we needed to find a blind spot, in fact a few of them, in order to be able to get in there and take the leader out? However there is one slight hitch to the whole thing, and that hitch is that in the location right here," I noted point out the cafeteria, "and it's going to be a tuff nut to crack right there. The reason why is right there, the hostages. While they've got them there, there's no chance in the world that we can actually do anything and that is the main problem that we happen to have. We need to take those people out of the equation in order to be able to take not only the leader out, but this entire ninja like squad that he happens to have." I told them.

They took a moment to organize their thoughts before the questions came to light. "You're asking us to do something that has never been thought of before, after all, there's no tactics that happen to cover ninja like incursions on United States soil at all." The Homeland Security lady stated.

I looked at her. "Actually that's where I'm going to be coming in there. My team and I can be able to do things that you and yours can't do, no offence chief." I stated nodding to Chief Peterson.

He nodded to me. "None taken."

I looked back at the screen and pointed out several things. "OK the problem that we're going to have here is that these guys are going to see and hear you coming a mile away, and it's going to be relayed directly to the one in charge, and then right there everything is going to be blown. No we need to take them out without them knowing, yes it might be a slight tip off, but by the time the leader of this pack figures it all out, it'll be long over."

Amy looked up at me for the first time. "You said that they have some kind of link before, what if he happens to get tipped off from that." She pointed out.

That right there hadn't been something that I had actually thought about, however I figured that what she was talking about was also true and right in the first place, and that if they were connected by some kind of link, then the leader would be tipped off right off the bat, and there would be no getting around that. "At that point I really don't know, but I have a feeling that we're going to have to do something." I told them.

It was then that Alexis came up with something that I hadn't even thought of, and it was honestly the best idea as well. "Why don't you just straight out confront him right from the start, challenge him to a fight, one where if you win, he has to with draw and submit to the local authorities."

I looked at her. "That's not a bad idea, the only problem there is one thing, even if I win, he won't submit in the least, at least not unless someone happens to tell him that he has to. So unless you know someone that can be able to end all of this. That's not going to happen." I told them.

I had noticed as I had been talking to them, that there as a family standing off to one side with a kid next to them. Earlier I had noted that there was only one type that honestly wanted to be both in school and out at the same time. So after the list had been gathered, I had a couple of officers with Amy go over the list and see who would actually be the one that would want to, and this now had to be the family that wanted that. I walked over to them and stood looking down at the kid, Amy stepped up next to me. "I take it that this is the one?" I asked her.

Amy nodded. "Yes, everyone else that we looked at, we couldn't get ahold of them at all."

I kneeled down in front of the young boy and looked at him not only on his level, but right in the eyes as well. "So what's your name, I'm called Ninja, this is my friend Phoenix, and the lady over there that's looking at those computer screens who looks like me, well we'll just call her Lady Ninja for now." I said as I jerked a thumb over to Alexis.

The young boy looked at his parents, and when they nodded turned to look back at me. "Aaron, I'm Aaron." He said. I could tell that he was nervous and I wasn't going to press him for his full name right then.

"Look Aaron, I need your help here, you see I need to get my two friends and I into that school without letting a bunch of wanna be ninjas know that we're trying to get in there. You see I'm thinking that they're all linked in some way that would actually prevent me from sneaking past one yet getting spotted slightly by another one. So I'm needing a way in that won't let me be seen by them at all, and something tells me that when you've been on your own you've come here and explored the place more than you should've and that you actually know of a few places that one can actually get into that no one knows about. Am I right in thinking that?" I asked him.

Aaron looked at me and gave a slight smile that told me everything that I needed to know, without saying another word, I brought the family over to the computer that Alexis was staring at and let Aaron look at it. After a minute or so, he pointed at the screen but didn't touch it.

Alexis looked at where Aaron was pointing at and then typed something into the keyboard and the area on the screen that he had been looking at enlarged and gave us more detail then what had been there before. "Now that we've got more detail there, can you get more exact, and don't worry about touching the screen either OK." Alexis told him.

Aaron again, and touching it this time, pointed to yet another spot on the screen and Alexis once again zoomed the picture in, and for the last time Aaron pointed. "Right there is a place that one can be able to get into the school without being seen at all. You'll have to travel underground for a little bit, but it come up right into the main school building." Aaron stated. I looked at the point, and saw that it had been just off campus. It was a place that unless one knew where to look, they would never find it and never be able to get onto the campus in the end. Aaron knew about it only because he had used it before.

"You have no idea how much this actually helps us out." I told him as I compared the map to the heat screen. There wasn't anyone near it at all, and there were rovers, but right at the moment there was no one near it.

I took the remote to my H.U.D. and displayed that information in front. "OK now that we know where to hit, we can be able to get in there and end this." I stated as Alexis and Amy went with me.

It took about five minutes to get over there, and then yet another minute to the access point which happened to be a sewer pipe.

"I can't believe that I'm about to enter into a sewer pipe, this seriously was never even thought of when I signed up for this gig." Amy stated.

I could see Alexis smiling on her COM screen. "Then I guess you're never going to be visiting the smell world." She stated.

Amy looked at her. "What is that Earth connected only through sewer lines?"

"No she just calls it that because of the plants that are there, they admit an odor that would make this sewer pipe smell like a fresh mountain spring." Stated as I entered the pipe.

I entered and went in and crawled along the line the entire time having a map on the screen showing me real time where I was exactly in relation to the school above our heads. Believe me this wasn't something that I actually wanted to stay in for very long, considering that even though Alex and I had full face masks, Amy didn't and that's where my concern was at that moment right then.

We got to the entry point that Aaron had told us, and from what I could see, not only was the school right above us, but so was a closet on the bottom floor that had a drain that lead directly to this pipe here. Standing up, I pushed the drain grate up slightly and popped a mirror up so that way I could see if there was anyone in the room, there wasn't. Moving up, I quietly moved the grate to the side and moved out of the way as I got out of the way to let Alexis and Amy out of the pipe and into the room.

No one said anything as we gathered before the door and I looked under again to see if there was anyone there. There had been one person, but that person had just turned the corner and was now out of sight. Pushing open the door, we made our way as fast as we could without being seen directly to where everyone was being held. Once we got there, that's when I knew that things were going to be changing a bit for us, so I decided to make an entrance, one that they would never forget.

I took out a couple of smoke pellets and Alexis knew right off what in the world I had been planning on doing, it had been the same thing that we had both done on the training world. I rolled the pellets under the door since they were that small to go under, and watched as they rolled for a few feet before going off, and when they went off, the cloud that they put up was not only thick, but huge too.

The ninjas that had been by the door had been confused at first by the pellets as they had rolled in, and didn't know what in the world was going on when they couldn't see anything in front of them. However none of that mattered once they were knocked out. We had come in quick and took them right out fast, making sure that none of them even knew what in the world was going on, after all the one that controlled them was also blind as well and that was the main reason for it in the first place.

Once the smoke cleared, we were standing there over the bodies and looking right down at them. "If you honestly think that this is the worst that I can do, you seriously haven't been paying attention in the least." I said as I slowly looked up at the one that was in charge. Thing was for me, even though they couldn't see it, I wasn't looking at the one standing up before me; I was looking at the real one in charge.

However it was the one in charge that stood up before me and spoke. "For this insolence, you shall pay with your life." He stated right before charging at me.

Personally I really didn't think about how to react to something like that, so that's why I ended up on the floor like you saw at the start of all this, with me getting the crap kicked out of me. However you have to realize that once my mind kicked back in, that was that, after all I wasn't trained in fighting on this world, I was trained on a different world, one where the laws of time were completely different then how they are right now. Right then everything that was there went into such a slow motion for me, it was like everything suddenly wasn't moving, and that's a very good thing for me. I looked up at the one that was kicking me and suddenly something that I had practiced before (something that I was seriously never any good at when I did practice) came flashing back to me, and before I knew it, the guy kicking me shifted not only to the left, but had a bunch of lines following him as well. Then once everything sorted its self out, I was not only behind him, but at the same time his foot was still up like he was about to kick me yet again.

I took the foot and held it; the moment that he turned around I looked him right in the eyes. "Sorry but enough of that." I told him.

Using his own weight on him, I spun him and through him dead up with a second of the place that had no one in the way and right into a wall, knocking him clean out. Yeah I know what you're thinking, no way in the world that it would end that fast, and you're right, I thought he had been knocked out, and it had turned out that he hadn't been. Turned out that I had stunned him and he was faster at getting things back to normal than I actually gave him credit for. This time though I really was ready for him, and instead of him catching me and laying into me, that's when I nail him, right in the jaw that he was sticking out by leaning forward. Guy was stunned right into place and that left me land a few moved of my own, first a couple of jabs to his chest, before a couple of sidekicks to him, before ending the entire thing with a roundhouse that sent him flying back. At that point I did check on him to make sure that he was out, and this time he was.

I turned to look back at the real one in charge of all this, and believe it or not it was not the guy that was also standing there, it was the woman that was next to the guy in the first place. "You might want to reconsider sending this goon after me as well, and don't bother to say that you're in charge, I know that she is." I said looking directly at her this time. "You've been the one in charge this entire time; you're the one with the hive mind that has for some reason gained control over everyone here. I don't know how you did it, and to be honest, I doubt there's anything on this world that could be able to actually counter it, however considering my adventures that I've had during the last six years this world's time, and I would consider that there is something out there that can counter you." I told her.

Her eyes at that looked stunned, just as they had when I had used that sides maneuver, the one that I had a hard time with before. "You are just as he said you would be, however I didn't consider you to be like the way you are now. You are one that is different, and I do not mean in just the way that your suit happens to be, I mean that you personally are different. You yourself are of this world, yet at the same time, you are not of this world. However I will leave you to contemplate that on your own. I will leave, considering that all of this was to draw you out in the first place. Ninja you have made a name for yourself, and you yourself do not realize this, please understand that I am not the first nor will I be the last. Yes there was that Blood Ninja person, but he was a lone one compared to the force and terror that await you." With that, she got up and started walking towards the door aware from the police and government authorities that were out there. "Also," she said turning back. "Remember that this is not the last that you've seen of me and my clan, we shall return, and when we do, will you be ready for it."

I watched her leave, and then about ten minutes later with everyone walking out behind me, I arrived back where everything started in the first place. I still couldn't believe everything that I had been told, and realized that I had been making a name for myself with everything that had been going on.

After going through a debrief with all of the badges that had been there and going back home, I realized that there was one person that I needed to find, someone whose mind was greater than mine was and it was natural for her. Walking into the living room, I looked at both Alexis and Amy. "Ladies there's someone that we need to find, someone that can even the odds out here for everything." I said and then looked directly at Amy. "We need to find Corinne."

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ninja Chronicles: The Return: School Under Siege Part 2

It had been at least close to fourteen hours since all of this had started, of course part of that had taken place before we had gotten here, and at the same time that of Homeland Security, who as it were, were ignoring everything that I had been telling them at all, and had gotten the local police to just about completely ignore me as well. I knew that the only way to get into the school was to think like a kid that didn't want to be there but at the same time wanted to be there as well, since all of his friends were there.

Homeland Security had what I liked to think of as shock troopers trying many different ways of getting into the place, and none of them were working at all. Whoever these ninjas were they were showing a skill that I had never seen on this world before, almost like they had come from the world that I had trained on, but when I checked the guards out at the front of the school, their dimensional signature registered that they were from this world. In fact out of everyone that was here, they only one that didn't register as being from this world was Alexis and that was only because she was my double that had left her own world after devastation had taken it (that however is a tale for another time).

One of the senior shock troopers walked up to the leading lady and thanks to the helmet's mics were able to pick up what they were saying. "We've literally tried everything we can think of that a person can fit into to get into this place, and they have everything blocked off. Anything that isn't blocked off no one can actually fit into at all. So unless you happen to have any more ideas, I'm telling my men to back off." He stated.

The lady turned to look at him. "Until such time as you actually do get in there, you are to keep up your efforts and keep trying to get in there. I don't give a damn how long it takes, but you will keep trying." She told him before giving me a look like she wanted to arrest me right then and there, before turning back to her paper work on her computer.

There was one way to look at the school, and I had it right in A.M.Y., but I wasn't about to get it out considering that I didn't want that lady thinking that I was going to try anything. However I didn't need to worry about that as she walked over to me. "I know that you've got something in your bag of tricks, something that might be able to help us out here. You might want to think about using it."

I looked at her. "Considering that not just six hours ago you were willing to lock me up on the spot for even being here, I'm thinking that you need to back off those men and listen to me for once. However considering that I know you won't it's not even worth the effort to say anything at all. After all, once this is all said and done, you're just going to have the government take all of the end results for yourself and make sure that no one local gets anything. After all it's how you government people happen to work, and it's how more things get screwed by you people than anyone will ever know in the first place." I told her.

I was half tempted on leaving, but at the same time I knew that I couldn't, after all this was my city and I wasn't going to leave it in the hands of those that seriously didn't know what in the world they were doing. Low and behold, she actually realized that and understood. "I know, and I've been awaiting word on what to do, but I'm getting nothing back. However I also know that anything that is done here now that we're here is going to be seen as a government success which means that except for us, no one else here is going to get the credit for saving anyone in that school at all." She told me. "So I will order my men to pull out and away and let you do whatever it is that you do best, and I'll get you whatever you need in order to get this done quickly."

I looked at her. "If you think that this is going to be done quickly, you've got another thing coming; this isn't going to be done quickly at all. However I will try to make sure that no one gets hurt at all, but even then I can't guarantee anything." I told her. "First off I need to know which kids were absent today so that way we can talk to one of them to find out how to get into the place. After all if the ways that a grown up can fit into are blocked, then you go the way of a child. No one ever thinks of that at all."

After I told them that, I walked over to the back of A.M.Y. and barely touched the truck of the car. The way that I had programmed her, I knew that just by doing simple things like the barest of touches that she would know what I wanted and needed. The trunk opened up revealing something that I hadn't touched since coming back to this world, the last time that I had used it on this world had been six years before when I had left this world in the first place. It was the glider that I literally flown away on, only now it sat here folded up like a case waiting to be used again. I took it out and set it on the ground and tapped a button on the side and not only did it light up, but at the same time a buzzing sound started coming from it as well. About two minutes later it had unfolded and sat before me humming along. There were no weapons on it any more since I had added some in one of the world's that I had visited, I couldn't keep the weapons on there because in the folded mode that it had been in, anything might happen that would've set them off in the first place and I knew that I couldn't have that in the end.

Lifting up on the glider I flew up and traveled high over the school and the surrounding area, I wanted to literally see everything that there was to see, and soon I was seeing the entire city just about, but when I looked down I focused mostly on just the school area and picked out everything there. I traveled as high as I did for one main reason, and that reason was this, I didn't want them actually seeing me up here at all, since the level that I was at right there was high enough that the heat from the engines would get masked over by the coldness that was there. I scanned below at everything and brought up the heat signatures of everyone that was there, from the teachers to the students and the police officials that were there. I noticed that the place was devoid of the ones that had taken the place over, I knew that they weren't gone considering that as long as the police were there, they were going to be staying there making sure that their demands are met whatever they were. Considering that I knew they were there, I switched through the different scans and noticed that they weren't on any of them, not even the cold level since I figured that they might be covering their heat, nope not even then. So I switched over to something that I hadn't had to use at all on this world and only used on one world before, and that was the DNA scan, something that I had come up with that could not only tell me the difference between different people, tell me exactly how they look, but at the same time, tell me if they were male or female at all.

When the scan was complete, not only did I have literally everyone down there, I had the exact position of all of the Ninja type fighters that were there. I flew back down and landed exactly where I had lifted off from, and since I knew that only my exact weight would actually fly the glider, I got off and walked over to one of the police computers that were there.

"Hey what are you doing?" One of the officers asked as I shoved him aside and got onto the computer.

"I have the information on exactly where everyone is, and I'm showing you this knowing that you're not going to be stupid enough to actually use this at all." I told them. "I'm going to be using this information, and at the same time, I'm going to make sure that these ninja type people are going to be dealt with swiftly and safely here." I finished.

I brought up the screen and all of the information that I had scanned and recorded down. "Just what in the world are we looking at here?" The lady asked.

I looked up at her. "You're looking at a scan of the entire area around here. However since none of them register I had to do DNA scan just to make sure that I could find out if they were human or not or from this world or not, and it turns out that not only are they from this world, they're all human, but something is masking them from heat sensors, hell any sensors at all except for DNA scans, and that right there has gotten me scared as all day light. Because whoever is actually running this show, they know about all of the scans that can be done except for mine, which means that they don't know that you have this information anymore. This here is showing exactly all of their positions that they're located at right now, and my team and I will be using this to get those kids free." I told them.

Amy came over at that point with a single sheet of paper in her hands; I knew what it was but let her say it anyway. "Ninja, this is the list of the kids that are absent today from school, it might not be long, but do you think that you can find one that might be able to help at all?" She asked.

I took the list and looked at it. Scanning the name on it, my suit computer ghost tapped into the school computer and gave me a face to the name and I saw everyone's records and what they had done. There was one name that stood out from everyone else. "Here this one right here." I said as I showed the officers standing there. "Bring this kid here now, he's not in school here, and he's not playing hooky at all. Get him and his parents and bring them here." I told them. They looked to Peterson and he nodded and they dashed off.

Turning I shut down external voice and opened up a link to Alexis. "Alexis, see if you can start probing them, see what you can be able to find when it comes to these guys." I told her.

The link allowed me to get a full face shot that no one else around got to see. "You got it." She said and took off away from the school.

I looked towards the entrance, and decided to try and make a probe of my own. Walking over there with Amy next to me I walked right up to the front door to the place. "I take it that there's not a chance in the world that you guys would be willing to let me in is there?" I asked them. Their eyes slightly looked at me but for the most part kept looking forward. I knew what that meant right there. "Yeah I didn't think so either." I stated as I slugged the first one hard right in the face and then nailed the other one right in the throat with a tranquilizer dart. They were both down in a heartbeat.

So far there was nothing from the rest of the school, not even a cry out or anything at all. Amy and I walked right into the place and started walking forward while looking around the place. I didn't say anything since I couldn't, but the place had changed much in the six years that I had been gone for, and it amazed the hell out of me how much had changed during that small amount of time.

We had gotten about half way down the hall when two figures came out and blocked our path, Amy and I stopped right there and looked back the way that we came and noticed that there was two others in that direction as well. However in the cross section that we were in, we noticed that there was no one to either side of us. So I figured that we would just pick a way and go from there, I was thinking something but wasn't really sure till it was confirmed when we took two steps in a direction and then two more appeared right before us. I knew at that point that we were getting herded.

"Great, why do I get the feeling that someone doesn't want us to fight, but instead wants to actually meet us." Amy said as we walked down the corridor that no one was blocking now.

"Then let's go meet them." I said as we came to the end and I saw that it lead right to the cafeteria, and as I looked in there, I noticed that there were a load of people there sitting down, and more than what they had seating for in the first place. "And I think that the one that wants to meet us is waiting for us right in there." I said nodding to the cafeteria.

Walking into the cafeteria I started taking note of things that I hadn't seen before, things that I knew weren't right at the start of all of this, namely the look in the ninja's eyes as they moved about, they had a bit of a vacant look in them. However the one that really caught my attention was the one that was standing at the very black of the large room, the one that seemed like he was in control over this whole thing.

"Well if it isn't the one that fled this world at the start. Here I thought that you would never come back, but then you went and arrived back. Please tell me where in the world you went, I would love to know." He said.

I didn't say anything, all I had wanted to do was to probe the place, and I had done that, I had gotten all of the information that I needed in the first place, and I knew right then and there that there was going to be no way that I was going to be able to take on this clown and protect everyone not only here, but also in the school as well. Before he had a chance to say anything, I opened up a program in my suit and tapped it into Amy's as well. Actually this program was built into all of their suits, but no one knew about it, at least not yet.

"So  be able to take how did you do it all, please tell me since I would love to know." He said again.

Then right before their eyes, Amy and I became pure energy, however what Amy and I saw was everyone and everything around us dissolve into pure energy and it was like it all transformed and then the energy went away and everything became solid yet again. Amy and I had just teleported right back out to where we had started from, and when I looked at the time on my H.U.D. screen, I noticed that we'd only been gone for twenty minutes at most.

Amy turned to look at me. "What the hell was that? First thing we're in there with them, and the next thing that I know is that we're out here back where we started, what the hell happened?" She asked me.

I took one look at her before turning and walking back to A.M.Y. "I teleported us out of there, I got all of the information that I needed, and I now know whose really in control, and it sure as hell isn't the one that tried talking to us in the first place." I told her. "Now the real fun begins."

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Ninja Chronicles: The Return: School Under Siege Part 1

You know it always amazes me as to how much I don't know about my own home world any more. I mean I honestly believed that after spending quite a bit of time here, that I thought I was brought up current on everything. I never knew how wrong I was till the day that it hit home, though not my actual home, but the city that I lived in, that's how close it got.

I had been down in the lab when Amy called me over the in-house com-link. "Alex there's something up here that you need to see, I'd patch you in, but you have no connection to the TV down there." She stated.

I went back upstairs to see what she was talking about, and I noticed that the news was on, and normally I wouldn't really care about that, expect that the image on the screen was the front of the Junior High School right here in Martinez, and there was two men dressed in tight fitting black suits with full facial masks standing in front of the place, this was not something that should've been happening.

"Ah what exactly is going on here?" I asked.

Amy looked at me. "The school is being held hostage right now, and given that this is the middle of the week, there's a full school right there, and the students and the staff are trapped inside. The police have tried almost everything, but so far there's no way to get in."

I looked at what was going on and I knew at that point that we were going to have to intervene. "And they won't be able to either, we're going to have to go, we need to find out a way into the place and see if we can take care of everything that's going on. I already know for a fact that the police chief isn't going to like that either." I stated.

Within five minute we were heading out the front door and I stopped just shy of the steps away from the house, Amy and Alexis turned back to see me just standing there looking down at the pavement. "Come on, we've got to go." Alexis stated.

I looked up at them and smiled. "And we will."

"So why are you moving?" Amy asked.

"Because you haven't, so move already, but both of you come back towards me please." I told them. They both came towards me and stood next to me. I watched as silently the ground that they were standing on opened up and revealed a car coming up from the ground. "Ladies, I bring you A.M.Y." I told them, as a 1997 blue Pontiac Firebird came to a rest level with the ground around it.

Amy and Alexis looked at it and walked slowly towards it. "Wait, I thought that she was still on the other world?" Alexis said as she rubbed a hand over the car's body.

"And why did you name her after me?" Amy asked.

I smiled. "Originally I didn't, but when I realized what the letters stood for Automatic Manual Yearling, I realized that she was A.M.Y., however it wasn't till after I had realized that that I added the voice to it." I explained as we got into the car.

Along the way over to the school I explained everything about how she came to this Earth and what all of this world mean. Which for you dear reader I shall get into much, much later. When we arrived at the school, there was something that was going on because even the Police Mobile HQ unit was there. "OK this really isn't good if they happen to be there." I said as I put on my suit.

We got out of the car and walked over to the police officer that was standing right out in front of the door to the mobile unit. "So what's going on?" I asked him.

The police officer gave me a look of disdain which I had pretty much come to expect from just about all of the police these days, after all I didn't work with a badge, however at the same time, I refused to work with a gun either, the only reason why one person had ended up in the hospital was because of a self-made energy blast that I had hit him with in the first place.

The officer didn't say anything to me, he just opened up the door said something inside and then back out closing the door. I could tell these guys really hated me. A second later the door opened back up and the police chief stepped out. "Ninja, we weren't expecting you to show up for this, but then again it seems that if there happens to be something major in this city or county, you're never far behind in dealing with it. Well I hope you don't mind if the other officers here don't much happen to like you being around. Personally I don't either, but I tolerate you because of the good work that you're doing so far, and I mean so far." He said as he started walking towards a van that was parked nearby. "After all you haven't killed anyone, at least that we know of."

I didn't bother to answer him, this was something that they were going to have to get used to, after all part of the reason for wearing the mask (besides protecting who I was), was making sure that they never knew what I was going to be doing next. Once we got to the van, the chief opened the side door that was when we heard a couple of people actually say quietly, "Oh shit, not them." We turned around to see a black sedan car roll to a slow stop, along with a white van right behind them.

The ones that stepped out of the car were those that seemed to come right out of a spy movie, all dressed up in suits, and these were the kind of people that weren't used to at all taking no for an answer. I knew right then that this entire thing had hit a scale that was beyond the local level, this entire thing had hit federal level, and from what I had found out there was something that actually had happened while I was gone to need to create something called Homeland Security, something that I still hadn't been able to figure out yet. Of course the one thing that I didn't figure that I would be needing to do was to ghost hack their computer systems.

The one that was the head of this detail came over to us, and in a world that happens to be mostly male dominated, it surprised me when the lady that was with them spoke first. "I would like to know who among you is in charge, and the ones with the masks can remove themselves from here or find themselves under arrest, and trust me if you want a fight then my men will be happy to provide you with one that you will not be able to handle." She stated.

The Chief looked at her. "I'm Chief Peterson, how can I help you, and how is Homeland Security needing to be involved in this?" He asked.

Since I wasn't about to move in any way, she only looked at me and then gave the ever so slightest nod and then tried to move the chief away who only stood still, I could tell that he noticed the order as well. The order had been one that made the ones behind her move towards Alexis, Amy and I, they really had no idea what in the world they were in for in the slightest.

The first one tried grabbing me but discovered that I moved slightly faster than he did, I know that the lady wanted a resisting arrest charge so that they could formally charge us, however that wasn't going to happen. I moved towards her, and the guy grabbed my arm and tried to throw me back against the van. I say tried because before he knew it he was reversed and up against the van himself long before he realized what was going on. "Please do me a favor lady and tell your people to back off. I don't give a rat's ass what training they think they've had, the place that I got my training from, I spent so much time there that it could make these people think that they've still got white belts. Trust me, with what's going on here, you're in my city and my county and as it goes I protect it all, which means that whatever is going on here I will be finding out about it. You've already tried hacking into my computer system three times, and each time you've bounced off with barely a ripple of getting into the system. There's a reason for this, and that reason is one that I could share with you, no I won't give you the program dealing with it, but I will tell you how I did it in the first place. Just back them off, now." I told her.

The lady could see that I had the guy in a firm but unmoving grip, something that none of them would ever be able to pull off at all. She raised her hand and the others stopped and backed off. I let go of the one that I had been holding and even he stepped away. "Now tell me how our best hackers can't get into your computer system. Since you suddenly appeared, our number one priority has been to get access to your computer system, and yet the fire wall that you have installed is nothing like they've ever seen before, why is that?" She asked.

I faced her and looked her right in the eyes. The one thing that I loved about wearing a full face mask with eye lenses that they couldn't see through was that she couldn't see any of the ticks that my face was giving away right then and there. "You're still working with binary, ones and zeroes, I've been to worlds that no longer even use that, other Earth's if you will that not only no longer deal with that kind of programming, but the speed of their computers is years to light years ahead of yours here. I've used that programming set up to create my firewalls to make sure that none of your people can ever get into the computer and see things that they're not supposed to see at all." I told her. "Now, why is Homeland Security so interested in this, after all, you guys are under the control of an idiot, and still won't fully deal with roaming terror, and yet this lit up on your radar like nothing else. What's really going on here?" I asked her.

"The only reason why we happen to be here in the first place is because those that have taken the school hostage are not from these shores at all. However some of them may actually be from here, we don't know considering the masks that they wear like you. You wear a mask and yet you're not doing a damned thing with them, why is that?"

I looked her over and then looked at the Chief. "I take it that you've already tried several times trying to get into the school several times already, and yet you've met up with resistance several times at every chance that you've taken?" I asked.

The Chief knew what I was doing and nodded at me before answering. "Ah yeah, we've tried every entrance that a man can fit into and believe me, we haven't been able to get access to any of them at all yet. There's always either someone guarding that location or they're nearby, either way no one's getting in there." He said.

That was the one thing that I knew was wrong. "You're wrong on that, after all you're not thinking like a kid, like someone that would not want to be here yet wants to come back for hat ever reason. There's always one kid that wants to come back, and when you find that one kid, the one that can't be here for some reason, then you know that you've found the right person there. So tell me Chief Peterson, who's not here today. After all we've got someone that couldn't make it here for some reason. Who is it that couldn't be here today?" I asked.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Ninja Chronicles: The Return: New Atlantis Part 3

We had been here for the past week and out of everyone that was here, there was only one person that was mostly stonewalling us when it came to the information that we were seeking, and that to me wasn't going to help a damned thing, I knew that I was going to have to do something about that and soon.

Amy had gathered up all of the data that we could get, including information that we had to create ourselves from the areas that were being affected by anything that might be going on. I knew that it was only a matter of time before something else was hit by all of this, and I had to make sure that nothing else got affected by what was going on.

"Please tell me you have something?" I asked walked back into the room, I didn't bother to take off the helmet considering that I had detected a listening device that had come in while there had been a couple of people there and I realized that someone had been biding their time, and made their move to make sure that they could find out what was going on when it came to the investigation that I was conducting there.

Amy sighed and pulled back, she also wore her mask as did Alexis we all did. "Truth to be honest, I can't seriously make heads or tails over any of this crap any more, it's getting way too damned confusing right here and it's kicking the crap out of me big time." Amy stated.

Alexis was leaning against a back wall that had cabinets right next to her head. "One would think that they didn't want our help, but I can tell that someone here seriously doesn't want our help. In fact it looks like they would rather blow the place to hell."

My thoughts had been heading in the same direction as well, but I knew that something was off on that, and that's when it hit me. I opened up comm screens on their H.U.D. screens to chat with them privately. "Don't say anything Amy but you can hear everything that I'm saying, and don't put up your face screen either, otherwise they might think that something is up. I've noticed something when it comes to what's being diverted main chamber and over to the freezing arctic area. Something is going on right now over there, something that they didn't want us to find out about." I told them.

Alex came over and looked at the papers that I was looking at. "Does it say what it might be?" Alexis asked.

I slowly turned my head to look at her. "Would I even be wondering what it is if it said what it was in the first place." I told her.

It was right then that I realized as I looked back at the papers that whatever was going to happening, was about to happen right then and there. I dashed out of the room with Amy and Alexis right on my tail as I headed for the main section that we saw upon arriving here. Once we were through the connected tunnel, I looked over towards where the artic section was and saw something that was entirely out of place there.

Dashing over to the side section, I noticed that there were others that were also standing there as well. "What's going on?" I asked. I turned to the center and noticed that there was no need for words; this event was something that was going to happen period. One of the researchers was doing something that no one else there even wanted to even try, He was trying to harness the power of the cold, and there was someone in there with him. All I knew was that whatever they were doing, it had to be stopped. From what I had read, the entire thing was entirely unstable and would detonate the entire place and kill everyone in here thanks to the water above and all around coming in to crush us.

Jumping over the side, I landed below and headed over to where they were at, and I noticed that both Amy and Alexis had also followed me in here as well. "You two keep back, hopefully I can reason with these two before all hell breaks loose." I told them. Wisely they held back as I continued on.

Walking up to the edge of whatever field they were in I looked towards them. I noticed that he looked at me for a short second so I knew that he knew I was standing there. "Whatever you're doing, you have to stop, you're going to crush everyone here when this goes all wrong, and we both know that it will." I told him. Later thinking back, I understood that this was not the way to start things out.

The scientist looked up briefly from what he was doing to look at me, and then went right back to what he was doing. "So you figured out what was going on, I was hoping that all of this would be said and done by the time that you had figured it all out, guess I was wrong in that. However I'm not wrong in this, I do know what I'm doing." He stated.

I knew what he was thinking he was trying to do, but I also knew that he was wrong. Turning to Amy I pointed up at the ones standing off to the side railing. "Get them out of here, when this thing goes, the dome roof is going to be coming off and it's going to flood the whole place." I told her.

Amy dashed off and went to get everyone out of here. The suit that Alexis and I wore, I had personally modified so that anything that might happen, her and I would still survive either way. "So what's the plan here?" She asked.

I looked her at her and then back towards everything that was going on, and I noticed something for the first time, the temps around me were starting to drop like crazy. I looked up towards the scientist and noticed something behind him, like a blue energy that was struggling to spread out. I knew that it was only a matter of time before it became so big and so uncontrollable that there was going to be no stopping it at all. I knew right then that it was something different, and not at all what this scientist was actually trying to create here.

I walked up as close as I could to the set up and looked directly at him. "Look I honestly don't have a clue as to what in the world you're doing here, but I do know that whatever it is right there, I doubt it's going to want to be controlled for long." I told him, but I doubt that he was listening at all.

The thing is, for all that he had done, he would never understand what it was that he was dealing with in the first place, even I couldn't. Even though I had been to almost every possible world out there besides the one that I was currently standing on, I didn't even understand or see what was coming at all. Yet as I watched the entire thing unfold before me, I even now understand that there was nothing that I could've done to be able to prevent it, but I always thought that there might've been a way that I could, but as I look back on this now, I fully understand that there was nothing I could do, not a damned thing.

No matter what I tried to get through to him, there wasn't anything I could, and the energy behind him was growing bigger faster than he could control it. "Damn, we've got to get out of here. I don't know what those two are thinking, but there's going to be no way that I'm going to be able to do anything here." I stated to Alexis.

Alexis looked at me and then over at the other person there, the lady that had been helping out the scientist that I had been talking to. Alexis nodded; she hadn't tried to talk to the woman because the woman it seemed was so intent on her job that she just wasn't paying attention to anything around her at all. "Come on there's nothing that we can do for them." She stated as she turned around and started back out of the place up to where everyone else had been standing.

Once we got up there, I looked back and saw that the energy had grown and become like a vortex, but not in the normal sense that one would be. It wasn't sucking anything in, and it wasn't pushing anything out, it was just being there, I couldn't explain it then to myself as I watched the entire thing, and even now I can't begin to explain it either. The energy of the entire thing was like nothing else on this world, like the vortex was tapping into something else and leaving like a gateway up.

I looked off towards where the dock was and realized that this was the only way to go. "Head for the dock and the ship, we need to get out of here like yesterday." I said to Alexis. She didn't bother to say anything, just turned and heading in the same direction I was, towards the dock.

Once we made it into the hanger dock. I shut the door and locked it, and then did a little search of the system and discovered and auto lockdown for the entire dome section. Checking that there was no one there, I activated it, and it severed its connection to the rest of the city. Getting over to the ship that brought us there, I got on and did a systems check. Amy was already here and had everything up and running.

Looking over at me from her station, I could tell that she wasn't happy about something. "I've gotten everyone on the station clear of it, there's not one person here in this city any more, I take it those few minutes over at the computer you were doing something over there?" She asked me.

"I was locking the dome down; to make sure that anything that happened in there wouldn't spread to the rest of the city. How good that'll do we'll just have to see, namely since I don't know if it'll do any good at all." I said as I started the lift off and dove the ship under water.

Once we were clear of the city, I saw several other ships heading for the surface away from the city and the dome. I headed in the same direction and took us out of the water and into the air. I switched the system over to flight mode and flew over the other ships that just stayed at the surface. I noticed that they were continuing to move away from the city and towards the shore of Martinez as fast as they could. I stayed up in the air for a little longer to make sure that the first of the ships actually made it to the shore line. From there I landed and we headed over to the first ship that had arrived.

The lead scientist that was in charge came over to me. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to be of more help down there." I said to him.

He waved me off and turned towards where the city was located. "It's not your fault Ninja; he had everyone running around and would've wiped us all out had he been given a chance." He said.

I noticed that there was shaking going on all around us and since I knew the entire Bay Area around here was prone to Earth quakes I was wondering if we were right in the middle of one now. However that soon was proven wrong as I noticed the water start to have a bubble in it, one that just continued to grow, and from what I also noticed, it was directly above where the city was located. Suddenly a thick blue beam of energy shot out from the bubble and cleared the water away from in revealing the city and the dome from which the energy was coming from in the first place. The entire bay around the city had been cleared, and just stayed away, like it was being kept in place by a wall of sort made of some sort of energy that I couldn't even see with the system that I had.

"The force of that energy, it's creating a barrier in the water and keeping it all away from the city. I knew that he wanted to harness some kind of energy, but I never thought that it would be something like this. There's just way too much energy output right there, but it's not moving out ward, just staying confined and going up into space, like its being drawn there in the first place." He stated.

For me, I couldn't begin to understand anything that he was talking about at all; all I knew was that whatever energy it was, my H.U.D. was telling me that it was getting colder and colder. "Look I don't and can't begin to understand what in the world you guys were working on, all I know is that the energy that we're seeing right here, the temps both in it as well as around it are dropping like crazy. So whatever they were working on, it was dealing with something cold, that's all I've been able to figure out here." I told him.

Suddenly without warning, the energy retracted down and then gathered up as if it was about to do something else, when again without warning, it bubbled up and then exploded outward ejecting something else. At first I couldn't tell what in the world it might be, but the object was flying right towards us at great speeds. I magnified the H.U.D. on it to see what it might be, and it turned out to be a someone, and there was only one, the other scientist wasn't in the air either.

Who that someone was, was answered shortly after when they landed about twenty feet away rolling into the high grass marsh area around us. We all ran over to see who in the world it was that landed, and except for Alexis, Amy and myself, everyone else just formed a half circle around us and didn't come any closer at all. I scanned the body, and discovered that not only was he alive, but at the same time, his body temps were so low that it was hard to imagine that he was still alive, but alive he was.

"So how are we going to move him?" Amy asked.

I looked at the body and continued to try to figure things out, and I knew that they only way that it was going to be possible at all, were that if Alexis and I did something. "If someone happens to have a phone on them or can dash to one, we need to get this man to a hospital and fast, he's still alive, but he needs medical treatment yesterday." I called out. "And till that ambulance arrives, we can't move him, and," I said looking up at Alexis, "you and I are going to be the only ones that can move him at all" I told her.

The medics had come and taken him away. That had been two weeks ago, and there had been no word about him since considering that even at the time the hospital hadn't known what to do with him at all.

"I know that you're still thinking about him. You don't have to worry, there's nothing that you could do, or can do." Amy stated as she stood at the door to my office.

All I could do was just look out the window to the sky that was right behind my computer, beyond that; I hadn't been able to do any of my normal things that I did. "It's not that, I figured that they would've either sent word or there would've been some news about him at some point. No I'm wondering what happened to the woman that had been with him, that's what I've been thinking about as of late. After all, she never came flying out of that energy blast either. It's like she had just completely vanished off this Earth, and we both know that she's not dead. After all my system would've picked out something from it by now. No something else had to have happened to her, and until she reappears, there's not much else that I'm going to be able to figure out at all." I explained to Amy.

"OK then, why not in the meantime try to do something else that's more productive than just sitting here thinking; after all, it's not doing you any good at all just doing that." She said as she turned and headed for the living room.

I looked down towards the keyboard and thought for a second about what she had said, and realized that she was right.

"Ah Alex can you come here please, there's something on television that you need to see." Amy called out.

I went into the living room where a news broad cast was playing, and what was playing was something that I couldn't believe at all. The scientist that had been in the hospital was no longer in the hospital at all, he had not only been taken out of the hospital, he had been helped, but the question which even I could answer was who. All I knew at that point but couldn't readily answer this wasn't over …not by a long shot.