We had been here for the past week and out of everyone that was here, there was only one person that was mostly stonewalling us when it came to the information that we were seeking, and that to me wasn't going to help a damned thing, I knew that I was going to have to do something about that and soon.
Amy had gathered up all of the data that we could get, including information that we had to create ourselves from the areas that were being affected by anything that might be going on. I knew that it was only a matter of time before something else was hit by all of this, and I had to make sure that nothing else got affected by what was going on.
"Please tell me you have something?" I asked walked back into the room, I didn't bother to take off the helmet considering that I had detected a listening device that had come in while there had been a couple of people there and I realized that someone had been biding their time, and made their move to make sure that they could find out what was going on when it came to the investigation that I was conducting there.
Amy sighed and pulled back, she also wore her mask as did Alexis we all did. "Truth to be honest, I can't seriously make heads or tails over any of this crap any more, it's getting way too damned confusing right here and it's kicking the crap out of me big time." Amy stated.
Alexis was leaning against a back wall that had cabinets right next to her head. "One would think that they didn't want our help, but I can tell that someone here seriously doesn't want our help. In fact it looks like they would rather blow the place to hell."
My thoughts had been heading in the same direction as well, but I knew that something was off on that, and that's when it hit me. I opened up comm screens on their H.U.D. screens to chat with them privately. "Don't say anything Amy but you can hear everything that I'm saying, and don't put up your face screen either, otherwise they might think that something is up. I've noticed something when it comes to what's being diverted main chamber and over to the freezing arctic area. Something is going on right now over there, something that they didn't want us to find out about." I told them.
Alex came over and looked at the papers that I was looking at. "Does it say what it might be?" Alexis asked.
I slowly turned my head to look at her. "Would I even be wondering what it is if it said what it was in the first place." I told her.
It was right then that I realized as I looked back at the papers that whatever was going to happening, was about to happen right then and there. I dashed out of the room with Amy and Alexis right on my tail as I headed for the main section that we saw upon arriving here. Once we were through the connected tunnel, I looked over towards where the artic section was and saw something that was entirely out of place there.
Dashing over to the side section, I noticed that there were others that were also standing there as well. "What's going on?" I asked. I turned to the center and noticed that there was no need for words; this event was something that was going to happen period. One of the researchers was doing something that no one else there even wanted to even try, He was trying to harness the power of the cold, and there was someone in there with him. All I knew was that whatever they were doing, it had to be stopped. From what I had read, the entire thing was entirely unstable and would detonate the entire place and kill everyone in here thanks to the water above and all around coming in to crush us.
Jumping over the side, I landed below and headed over to where they were at, and I noticed that both Amy and Alexis had also followed me in here as well. "You two keep back, hopefully I can reason with these two before all hell breaks loose." I told them. Wisely they held back as I continued on.
Walking up to the edge of whatever field they were in I looked towards them. I noticed that he looked at me for a short second so I knew that he knew I was standing there. "Whatever you're doing, you have to stop, you're going to crush everyone here when this goes all wrong, and we both know that it will." I told him. Later thinking back, I understood that this was not the way to start things out.
The scientist looked up briefly from what he was doing to look at me, and then went right back to what he was doing. "So you figured out what was going on, I was hoping that all of this would be said and done by the time that you had figured it all out, guess I was wrong in that. However I'm not wrong in this, I do know what I'm doing." He stated.
I knew what he was thinking he was trying to do, but I also knew that he was wrong. Turning to Amy I pointed up at the ones standing off to the side railing. "Get them out of here, when this thing goes, the dome roof is going to be coming off and it's going to flood the whole place." I told her.
Amy dashed off and went to get everyone out of here. The suit that Alexis and I wore, I had personally modified so that anything that might happen, her and I would still survive either way. "So what's the plan here?" She asked.
I looked her at her and then back towards everything that was going on, and I noticed something for the first time, the temps around me were starting to drop like crazy. I looked up towards the scientist and noticed something behind him, like a blue energy that was struggling to spread out. I knew that it was only a matter of time before it became so big and so uncontrollable that there was going to be no stopping it at all. I knew right then that it was something different, and not at all what this scientist was actually trying to create here.
I walked up as close as I could to the set up and looked directly at him. "Look I honestly don't have a clue as to what in the world you're doing here, but I do know that whatever it is right there, I doubt it's going to want to be controlled for long." I told him, but I doubt that he was listening at all.
The thing is, for all that he had done, he would never understand what it was that he was dealing with in the first place, even I couldn't. Even though I had been to almost every possible world out there besides the one that I was currently standing on, I didn't even understand or see what was coming at all. Yet as I watched the entire thing unfold before me, I even now understand that there was nothing that I could've done to be able to prevent it, but I always thought that there might've been a way that I could, but as I look back on this now, I fully understand that there was nothing I could do, not a damned thing.
No matter what I tried to get through to him, there wasn't anything I could, and the energy behind him was growing bigger faster than he could control it. "Damn, we've got to get out of here. I don't know what those two are thinking, but there's going to be no way that I'm going to be able to do anything here." I stated to Alexis.
Alexis looked at me and then over at the other person there, the lady that had been helping out the scientist that I had been talking to. Alexis nodded; she hadn't tried to talk to the woman because the woman it seemed was so intent on her job that she just wasn't paying attention to anything around her at all. "Come on there's nothing that we can do for them." She stated as she turned around and started back out of the place up to where everyone else had been standing.
Once we got up there, I looked back and saw that the energy had grown and become like a vortex, but not in the normal sense that one would be. It wasn't sucking anything in, and it wasn't pushing anything out, it was just being there, I couldn't explain it then to myself as I watched the entire thing, and even now I can't begin to explain it either. The energy of the entire thing was like nothing else on this world, like the vortex was tapping into something else and leaving like a gateway up.
I looked off towards where the dock was and realized that this was the only way to go. "Head for the dock and the ship, we need to get out of here like yesterday." I said to Alexis. She didn't bother to say anything, just turned and heading in the same direction I was, towards the dock.
Once we made it into the hanger dock. I shut the door and locked it, and then did a little search of the system and discovered and auto lockdown for the entire dome section. Checking that there was no one there, I activated it, and it severed its connection to the rest of the city. Getting over to the ship that brought us there, I got on and did a systems check. Amy was already here and had everything up and running.
Looking over at me from her station, I could tell that she wasn't happy about something. "I've gotten everyone on the station clear of it, there's not one person here in this city any more, I take it those few minutes over at the computer you were doing something over there?" She asked me.
"I was locking the dome down; to make sure that anything that happened in there wouldn't spread to the rest of the city. How good that'll do we'll just have to see, namely since I don't know if it'll do any good at all." I said as I started the lift off and dove the ship under water.
Once we were clear of the city, I saw several other ships heading for the surface away from the city and the dome. I headed in the same direction and took us out of the water and into the air. I switched the system over to flight mode and flew over the other ships that just stayed at the surface. I noticed that they were continuing to move away from the city and towards the shore of Martinez as fast as they could. I stayed up in the air for a little longer to make sure that the first of the ships actually made it to the shore line. From there I landed and we headed over to the first ship that had arrived.
The lead scientist that was in charge came over to me. "I'm sorry that I wasn't able to be of more help down there." I said to him.
He waved me off and turned towards where the city was located. "It's not your fault Ninja; he had everyone running around and would've wiped us all out had he been given a chance." He said.
I noticed that there was shaking going on all around us and since I knew the entire Bay Area around here was prone to Earth quakes I was wondering if we were right in the middle of one now. However that soon was proven wrong as I noticed the water start to have a bubble in it, one that just continued to grow, and from what I also noticed, it was directly above where the city was located. Suddenly a thick blue beam of energy shot out from the bubble and cleared the water away from in revealing the city and the dome from which the energy was coming from in the first place. The entire bay around the city had been cleared, and just stayed away, like it was being kept in place by a wall of sort made of some sort of energy that I couldn't even see with the system that I had.
"The force of that energy, it's creating a barrier in the water and keeping it all away from the city. I knew that he wanted to harness some kind of energy, but I never thought that it would be something like this. There's just way too much energy output right there, but it's not moving out ward, just staying confined and going up into space, like its being drawn there in the first place." He stated.
For me, I couldn't begin to understand anything that he was talking about at all; all I knew was that whatever energy it was, my H.U.D. was telling me that it was getting colder and colder. "Look I don't and can't begin to understand what in the world you guys were working on, all I know is that the energy that we're seeing right here, the temps both in it as well as around it are dropping like crazy. So whatever they were working on, it was dealing with something cold, that's all I've been able to figure out here." I told him.
Suddenly without warning, the energy retracted down and then gathered up as if it was about to do something else, when again without warning, it bubbled up and then exploded outward ejecting something else. At first I couldn't tell what in the world it might be, but the object was flying right towards us at great speeds. I magnified the H.U.D. on it to see what it might be, and it turned out to be a someone, and there was only one, the other scientist wasn't in the air either.
Who that someone was, was answered shortly after when they landed about twenty feet away rolling into the high grass marsh area around us. We all ran over to see who in the world it was that landed, and except for Alexis, Amy and myself, everyone else just formed a half circle around us and didn't come any closer at all. I scanned the body, and discovered that not only was he alive, but at the same time, his body temps were so low that it was hard to imagine that he was still alive, but alive he was.
"So how are we going to move him?" Amy asked.
I looked at the body and continued to try to figure things out, and I knew that they only way that it was going to be possible at all, were that if Alexis and I did something. "If someone happens to have a phone on them or can dash to one, we need to get this man to a hospital and fast, he's still alive, but he needs medical treatment yesterday." I called out. "And till that ambulance arrives, we can't move him, and," I said looking up at Alexis, "you and I are going to be the only ones that can move him at all" I told her.
The medics had come and taken him away. That had been two weeks ago, and there had been no word about him since considering that even at the time the hospital hadn't known what to do with him at all.
"I know that you're still thinking about him. You don't have to worry, there's nothing that you could do, or can do." Amy stated as she stood at the door to my office.
All I could do was just look out the window to the sky that was right behind my computer, beyond that; I hadn't been able to do any of my normal things that I did. "It's not that, I figured that they would've either sent word or there would've been some news about him at some point. No I'm wondering what happened to the woman that had been with him, that's what I've been thinking about as of late. After all, she never came flying out of that energy blast either. It's like she had just completely vanished off this Earth, and we both know that she's not dead. After all my system would've picked out something from it by now. No something else had to have happened to her, and until she reappears, there's not much else that I'm going to be able to figure out at all." I explained to Amy.
"OK then, why not in the meantime try to do something else that's more productive than just sitting here thinking; after all, it's not doing you any good at all just doing that." She said as she turned and headed for the living room.
I looked down towards the keyboard and thought for a second about what she had said, and realized that she was right.
"Ah Alex can you come here please, there's something on television that you need to see." Amy called out.
I went into the living room where a news broad cast was playing, and what was playing was something that I couldn't believe at all. The scientist that had been in the hospital was no longer in the hospital at all, he had not only been taken out of the hospital, he had been helped, but the question which even I could answer was who. All I knew at that point but couldn't readily answer this wasn't over …not by a long shot.