Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Ninja Chronicles: The Return: School Under Siege Part 2

It had been at least close to fourteen hours since all of this had started, of course part of that had taken place before we had gotten here, and at the same time that of Homeland Security, who as it were, were ignoring everything that I had been telling them at all, and had gotten the local police to just about completely ignore me as well. I knew that the only way to get into the school was to think like a kid that didn't want to be there but at the same time wanted to be there as well, since all of his friends were there.

Homeland Security had what I liked to think of as shock troopers trying many different ways of getting into the place, and none of them were working at all. Whoever these ninjas were they were showing a skill that I had never seen on this world before, almost like they had come from the world that I had trained on, but when I checked the guards out at the front of the school, their dimensional signature registered that they were from this world. In fact out of everyone that was here, they only one that didn't register as being from this world was Alexis and that was only because she was my double that had left her own world after devastation had taken it (that however is a tale for another time).

One of the senior shock troopers walked up to the leading lady and thanks to the helmet's mics were able to pick up what they were saying. "We've literally tried everything we can think of that a person can fit into to get into this place, and they have everything blocked off. Anything that isn't blocked off no one can actually fit into at all. So unless you happen to have any more ideas, I'm telling my men to back off." He stated.

The lady turned to look at him. "Until such time as you actually do get in there, you are to keep up your efforts and keep trying to get in there. I don't give a damn how long it takes, but you will keep trying." She told him before giving me a look like she wanted to arrest me right then and there, before turning back to her paper work on her computer.

There was one way to look at the school, and I had it right in A.M.Y., but I wasn't about to get it out considering that I didn't want that lady thinking that I was going to try anything. However I didn't need to worry about that as she walked over to me. "I know that you've got something in your bag of tricks, something that might be able to help us out here. You might want to think about using it."

I looked at her. "Considering that not just six hours ago you were willing to lock me up on the spot for even being here, I'm thinking that you need to back off those men and listen to me for once. However considering that I know you won't it's not even worth the effort to say anything at all. After all, once this is all said and done, you're just going to have the government take all of the end results for yourself and make sure that no one local gets anything. After all it's how you government people happen to work, and it's how more things get screwed by you people than anyone will ever know in the first place." I told her.

I was half tempted on leaving, but at the same time I knew that I couldn't, after all this was my city and I wasn't going to leave it in the hands of those that seriously didn't know what in the world they were doing. Low and behold, she actually realized that and understood. "I know, and I've been awaiting word on what to do, but I'm getting nothing back. However I also know that anything that is done here now that we're here is going to be seen as a government success which means that except for us, no one else here is going to get the credit for saving anyone in that school at all." She told me. "So I will order my men to pull out and away and let you do whatever it is that you do best, and I'll get you whatever you need in order to get this done quickly."

I looked at her. "If you think that this is going to be done quickly, you've got another thing coming; this isn't going to be done quickly at all. However I will try to make sure that no one gets hurt at all, but even then I can't guarantee anything." I told her. "First off I need to know which kids were absent today so that way we can talk to one of them to find out how to get into the place. After all if the ways that a grown up can fit into are blocked, then you go the way of a child. No one ever thinks of that at all."

After I told them that, I walked over to the back of A.M.Y. and barely touched the truck of the car. The way that I had programmed her, I knew that just by doing simple things like the barest of touches that she would know what I wanted and needed. The trunk opened up revealing something that I hadn't touched since coming back to this world, the last time that I had used it on this world had been six years before when I had left this world in the first place. It was the glider that I literally flown away on, only now it sat here folded up like a case waiting to be used again. I took it out and set it on the ground and tapped a button on the side and not only did it light up, but at the same time a buzzing sound started coming from it as well. About two minutes later it had unfolded and sat before me humming along. There were no weapons on it any more since I had added some in one of the world's that I had visited, I couldn't keep the weapons on there because in the folded mode that it had been in, anything might happen that would've set them off in the first place and I knew that I couldn't have that in the end.

Lifting up on the glider I flew up and traveled high over the school and the surrounding area, I wanted to literally see everything that there was to see, and soon I was seeing the entire city just about, but when I looked down I focused mostly on just the school area and picked out everything there. I traveled as high as I did for one main reason, and that reason was this, I didn't want them actually seeing me up here at all, since the level that I was at right there was high enough that the heat from the engines would get masked over by the coldness that was there. I scanned below at everything and brought up the heat signatures of everyone that was there, from the teachers to the students and the police officials that were there. I noticed that the place was devoid of the ones that had taken the place over, I knew that they weren't gone considering that as long as the police were there, they were going to be staying there making sure that their demands are met whatever they were. Considering that I knew they were there, I switched through the different scans and noticed that they weren't on any of them, not even the cold level since I figured that they might be covering their heat, nope not even then. So I switched over to something that I hadn't had to use at all on this world and only used on one world before, and that was the DNA scan, something that I had come up with that could not only tell me the difference between different people, tell me exactly how they look, but at the same time, tell me if they were male or female at all.

When the scan was complete, not only did I have literally everyone down there, I had the exact position of all of the Ninja type fighters that were there. I flew back down and landed exactly where I had lifted off from, and since I knew that only my exact weight would actually fly the glider, I got off and walked over to one of the police computers that were there.

"Hey what are you doing?" One of the officers asked as I shoved him aside and got onto the computer.

"I have the information on exactly where everyone is, and I'm showing you this knowing that you're not going to be stupid enough to actually use this at all." I told them. "I'm going to be using this information, and at the same time, I'm going to make sure that these ninja type people are going to be dealt with swiftly and safely here." I finished.

I brought up the screen and all of the information that I had scanned and recorded down. "Just what in the world are we looking at here?" The lady asked.

I looked up at her. "You're looking at a scan of the entire area around here. However since none of them register I had to do DNA scan just to make sure that I could find out if they were human or not or from this world or not, and it turns out that not only are they from this world, they're all human, but something is masking them from heat sensors, hell any sensors at all except for DNA scans, and that right there has gotten me scared as all day light. Because whoever is actually running this show, they know about all of the scans that can be done except for mine, which means that they don't know that you have this information anymore. This here is showing exactly all of their positions that they're located at right now, and my team and I will be using this to get those kids free." I told them.

Amy came over at that point with a single sheet of paper in her hands; I knew what it was but let her say it anyway. "Ninja, this is the list of the kids that are absent today from school, it might not be long, but do you think that you can find one that might be able to help at all?" She asked.

I took the list and looked at it. Scanning the name on it, my suit computer ghost tapped into the school computer and gave me a face to the name and I saw everyone's records and what they had done. There was one name that stood out from everyone else. "Here this one right here." I said as I showed the officers standing there. "Bring this kid here now, he's not in school here, and he's not playing hooky at all. Get him and his parents and bring them here." I told them. They looked to Peterson and he nodded and they dashed off.

Turning I shut down external voice and opened up a link to Alexis. "Alexis, see if you can start probing them, see what you can be able to find when it comes to these guys." I told her.

The link allowed me to get a full face shot that no one else around got to see. "You got it." She said and took off away from the school.

I looked towards the entrance, and decided to try and make a probe of my own. Walking over there with Amy next to me I walked right up to the front door to the place. "I take it that there's not a chance in the world that you guys would be willing to let me in is there?" I asked them. Their eyes slightly looked at me but for the most part kept looking forward. I knew what that meant right there. "Yeah I didn't think so either." I stated as I slugged the first one hard right in the face and then nailed the other one right in the throat with a tranquilizer dart. They were both down in a heartbeat.

So far there was nothing from the rest of the school, not even a cry out or anything at all. Amy and I walked right into the place and started walking forward while looking around the place. I didn't say anything since I couldn't, but the place had changed much in the six years that I had been gone for, and it amazed the hell out of me how much had changed during that small amount of time.

We had gotten about half way down the hall when two figures came out and blocked our path, Amy and I stopped right there and looked back the way that we came and noticed that there was two others in that direction as well. However in the cross section that we were in, we noticed that there was no one to either side of us. So I figured that we would just pick a way and go from there, I was thinking something but wasn't really sure till it was confirmed when we took two steps in a direction and then two more appeared right before us. I knew at that point that we were getting herded.

"Great, why do I get the feeling that someone doesn't want us to fight, but instead wants to actually meet us." Amy said as we walked down the corridor that no one was blocking now.

"Then let's go meet them." I said as we came to the end and I saw that it lead right to the cafeteria, and as I looked in there, I noticed that there were a load of people there sitting down, and more than what they had seating for in the first place. "And I think that the one that wants to meet us is waiting for us right in there." I said nodding to the cafeteria.

Walking into the cafeteria I started taking note of things that I hadn't seen before, things that I knew weren't right at the start of all of this, namely the look in the ninja's eyes as they moved about, they had a bit of a vacant look in them. However the one that really caught my attention was the one that was standing at the very black of the large room, the one that seemed like he was in control over this whole thing.

"Well if it isn't the one that fled this world at the start. Here I thought that you would never come back, but then you went and arrived back. Please tell me where in the world you went, I would love to know." He said.

I didn't say anything, all I had wanted to do was to probe the place, and I had done that, I had gotten all of the information that I needed in the first place, and I knew right then and there that there was going to be no way that I was going to be able to take on this clown and protect everyone not only here, but also in the school as well. Before he had a chance to say anything, I opened up a program in my suit and tapped it into Amy's as well. Actually this program was built into all of their suits, but no one knew about it, at least not yet.

"So  be able to take how did you do it all, please tell me since I would love to know." He said again.

Then right before their eyes, Amy and I became pure energy, however what Amy and I saw was everyone and everything around us dissolve into pure energy and it was like it all transformed and then the energy went away and everything became solid yet again. Amy and I had just teleported right back out to where we had started from, and when I looked at the time on my H.U.D. screen, I noticed that we'd only been gone for twenty minutes at most.

Amy turned to look at me. "What the hell was that? First thing we're in there with them, and the next thing that I know is that we're out here back where we started, what the hell happened?" She asked me.

I took one look at her before turning and walking back to A.M.Y. "I teleported us out of there, I got all of the information that I needed, and I now know whose really in control, and it sure as hell isn't the one that tried talking to us in the first place." I told her. "Now the real fun begins."

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